Have you ever noticed some people pray REALLY well? They have just the right words, are anointed, and eloquent. They pray with ease. As you're listening to these gifted prayer warriors have your thoughts ever wandered as you compare how you pray, and mutter the words, "I wish I could pray like that!" Maybe you […]
Dr. Kelly Whelan is the Founder and CEO of BelemLeaders. She is a globally recognized executive and team development strategist who studied under coaching pioneers, Professors David Clutterbuck, Peter Hawkins and Diane M. Wiater. Kelly and her team specialize in individual, team, and organizational assessment and design, and leader and team development services. Dr. Whelan is certified as a Gallup Strengths Coach, and holds a European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC) ITCA-Team Coaching Sr. Practitioner Accreditation. You can connect with Dr. Whelan on LinkedIn or on Facebook.